Bond interest paid on schedule
4. December 2023Bond interest paid on schedule
8. October 2024Press Comment
Solar Finance Management AG listed bonds
Bond interest paid on schedule
Schaan, 06.05.2024 Solar Finance Management AG has paid the annual interest on the bonds listed below as scheduled.
The interest rates agreed on the bonds:
– WKN A3KLDX/ ISIN DE 000A3KLDX4 (€) Bond 1 – 2021
– WKN A3KLDY/ ISIN DE 000A3KLDY2 (CHF) Bond 2 – 2021
were paid out by the company to the investors punctually on 30 April 2024.
More Information:
Solar Finance Management AG
Landstraße 34
FL-9494 Schaan
Tel. +423 235 038 0